Welcome to EnProwess blogs. In this post, I am going to talk about notification feature and how to create custom notification in DXP. Before we talk about notification feature in DXP, lets understand what has changed in DXP with compare to Liferay 6.2. In Liferay 6.2, There is Notification display portlet. This portlet can be… Continue reading Learn Liferay DXP custom notification in 5 minute
In this blog I will talk about Alfresco upgradation and 5 points which can help you in Alfresco upgrade. Alfresco upgradation is a mandatory process, it should be a priority for Alfresco business users. If an Alfresco business user do not upgrade Alfresco and keep missing major releases then in future. Alfresco Upgrade could be pain… Continue reading 5 points on Alfresco Upgradation
Software industry is most dynamic industry among other. The biggest challenge being in this domain is to keep updating your knowledge day-by-day. Though this challenge is applicable to everybody in software domain, its applicable more to the people using open source tools and frameworks. It may not be that complex to learn new framework but… Continue reading Alfresco Best Practices
Theme in Liferay is very important component for any project you will be working. Liferay 7 is coming with many changes and you will need to know the new ways of development in Liferay. This blog will help you understand how you can build theme in Liferay 7 using theme generator. Please note, using plug-in… Continue reading Theme for Liferay 7