• Liferay7/DXP – OSGI module for PostLoginAction

    Liferay7/DXP – OSGI module for PostLoginAction

    Before we get in to how OSGi and Liferay goes hand in hand, it is recommended to understand the core of OSGi. You can go thru this link and get your hand dirty with plain OSGi example. Liferay7 and DXP released with many buzzwords like Modularity, Expansibility and Semantic versioning. All of these, have base… Continue reading Liferay7/DXP – OSGI module for PostLoginAction

  • OSGI Groundwork !!

    OSGI Groundwork !!

    The Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) defines an architecture for developing and deploying modular applications and libraries. It is also known as the Dynamic Module System for Java, defines an architecture for modular application development. It is proven to help build, package and maintain robust API’s for Java based Enterprise software components running in the… Continue reading OSGI Groundwork !!

  • Theme for Liferay 7

    Theme for Liferay 7

    Theme in Liferay is very important component for any project you will be working. Liferay 7 is coming with many changes and you will need to know the new ways of development in Liferay. This blog will help you understand how you can build theme in Liferay 7 using theme generator. Please note, using plug-in… Continue reading Theme for Liferay 7